Avoid this Homestead Exemption Scam

If you’ve gotten a letter recently telling you about a great opportunity to declare your property as a homestead and receive a tax exemption, it’s time to read the fine print. If you ever receive letters or documents that appear to be from legitimate businesses, but you’re concerned they sound too good to be true, […]

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5 Reasons Homeowners Choose Us for Property Tax Loans

Are you struggling to pay your property taxes this year? Do you feel that the steady increase in the amount of your property taxes over the last several years is outside of your control and you’re concerned about losing your home or business? You’re not alone. Thousands of Texas residents are having difficulty keeping up […]

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Filing a Law Suit to Collect a Delinquent Tax

Filing a law suit to collect a delinquent tax is an expensive and time consuming act. The law firm will generally not file a law suit to collect a tax unless prior efforts to collect the unpaid tax have been unsuccessful. If a law suit is filed, however, the costs of that lawsuit are not […]

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Bogus Email About Senior Citizen & Disabled Homeowner Property Tax Relief

In May 2007, Texas voters approved Proposition 1, a constitutional amendment providing property tax relief to elderly and disabled homeowners. Planning for the approval of the constitutional amendment, legislators approved House Bill (HB) 5. HB 5 provided tax relief to senior citizens and disabled persons by ensuring school tax ceilings were reduced proportionally to reflect […]

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